Sasga Yachts has launched the new Signature program on the market this season, a unique proposal in the nautical sector, dedicated to models with lengths of 54 and 68 feet.
Owners who choose to join the Signature program will have at their disposal a first-level team made up of experts in naval engineering, architecture and interior design to design the trawler that reflects their needs and expectations.

Signature è il modo per lasciare la tua firma sul mare, per rappresentare lo spirito e la personalità dell'armatore.

Rapporto tra il team tecnico e il proprietario

Il cantiere navale di Minorca dirige le sue capacità verso la consulenza sulla progettazione e la costruzione dell’autore Menorquin. L’atteggiamento proattivo del team aiuterà l’armatore ad eseguire nella maniera ottimale le personalizzazioni che desidera a bordo del proprio Sasga Yachts.

Signature significa costruire barche con uno stile unico. La gamma Signature mette a disposizione del cliente un team di alto livello che lo guiderà attraverso il processo di personalizzazione del proprio Menorquin.
Fin dall’inizio, il proprietario avrà un team di tecnici che fornirà i consigli necessari per progettare il Menorquin più adatto al suo stile di vita e alla sua personalità.


The Menorcan shipyard directs its skills towards consulting on the design and construction of the author Menorquin. The team’s proactive attitude will help the owner to optimally perform the customizations he wishes on his Sasga Yachts.

Signature means building boats with a unique style. The Signature range provides the customer with a high-level team that will guide them through the customization process of their Menorquin.
From the start, the owner will have a team of technicians who will provide the necessary advice to design the Menorquin that best suits her lifestyle and personality.

This is how the Menorquín Signature become boats with a unique personality, unique jewels at sea.

The owner will have a fundamental role in the creative process during the design of the boat, being able to choose the internal and external layout of the boat, as well as the technological equipment that best suits their needs on board.

Communication between the team and the customer will play a central role: the customer will monitor the various phases of construction, visiting the factories where Sasga Yachts builds their boats.
During the visit, the customer can observe the construction of his boat, as well as decide every detail, such as the choice of upholstery, the color of the seams and the wood and the various materials. He will choose the on-board equipment, furnishing accessories, domotics and technological devices that he wishes to install. In the Signature projects, the range of customization possibilities is extended, offering the customer the opportunity to give free rein to their imagination and to choose every detail that will characterize their boat.

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Your data will be processed in compliance with the Information on the processing of personal data pursuant to article 13 of Regulation (EU) n. 2016/679. Privacy Policy

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